On Life...more about education
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Awesome... Reinforces that we need to let kids be kids. Nuff said!
At Advanced Cinematic Editing Services, or ACES, we are pleased to offer video editing services, whether it be the amateur high school athlete or the aspiring independent filmmaker.
Due to the vast reach of the internet, we are thrilled to be able to offer our services to anyone in the continental U.S.
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Awesome... Reinforces that we need to let kids be kids. Nuff said!
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It's good to see something like this. Too often our media coverage focuses on the negatives. A positive story from Randy Moss and thus the NFL is great. I'm not saying he's always a sterling example because I never followed his career that closely, but I loved finding this article. Way to go Mr. Moss!
First, check this out...
Amazing little study that shows that what we eat heavily influences the gut bacteria we carry. Definitely will make me think about my diet.
It's good food for thought.
Interesting article....
I didn't realize there was anyone still using dial up. And there over 2 million just with AOL. That is a lot of people without access to so much we take for granted (and hence a first world problem) like Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, You Tube, etc.
Yahoo strikes again
So here are some take aways from the article:
1) our education system is broke... My opinion is we went away from the tried and true methods due to a bunch of "hippy nonsense." Every incoming administration comes in and tries to change everything radically. That's making the problem worse.
2) a vast majority don't have the basic skills to work in a job handling money (remuneration in this case I took as counting back change). So no more cashiers?
3) the lack of a work ethic comes from the home.
All told this was a disturbing article. Very shocking to me but I look at what I've seen in retail and it is not all that crazy. We had a major retailer in our town trying to hire for a major renovation. One of their managers told me they had hundreds fail the drug testing phase. That correlates strongly with the article's warning on addictions.
Heres my two cents--- we need to focus on basics that worked for decades in the U.S. We need to focus on training people to work without breaking their bank doing so. Not everyone is suited for a higher degree. Therefore high school should prepare people to handle these basics. Saying more education is needed would actually compound the problem. We need to focus on making the education that is in place better. And also, we have to realize that it starts in the home.
Want another chilling article that's indicative of the "hippy nonsense?" Check out
Just insane....
As for me, we'll keep reading to our kids in our home, including Bible stories.
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It blew me away... Just switching formats from the relatively new BCS to a four team playoff resulted in the payouts increasing by $200 million! Mind boggling! The schools netted almost $400 million if I read that article correctly! That's a lot of money to reinvest in their student athletes and facilities.
So my advice? Strive to take part by getting an athletic scholarship and let us help by putting together a highlight video for you.